The Partnership seeks to improve the quality of life for the town’s residents by partnering with statutory and voluntary organisations.

Please have a look round the website and see
what we have achieved,
what we are aiming to achieve,

And the exciting projects we are working on with local Partners.

NEWS FLASH - Cliff Gardens

We’re delighted to announce that the required stopping-up order to vehicles on a small part of Cliff Gardens has been granted after a Public Enquiry.  This enables the full Cliff Gardens scheme to go ahead.
More details are on the project’s page linked here.

We are one of ten partners in the Ouse Valley Climate Action Lottery Bid

We are thrilled that the South Downs National Park‘s bid to the National Lottery is providing funding for volunteers to progress our Climate Action Projects in our area. We have a high risk of flooding and of suffering from the  severe effects of climate change.

Volunteers will lead in planting more trees and renaturing grass verges and local green spaces. A climate change educational beach garden will be created by volunteers (including students) who will transform an un-made-up road and an adjacent field in to the garden. Long term plans will be progressed to enlarge the Ouse Valley Nature Reserve adjacent to Newhaven’s industrial areas. Cycling will be safer and easier and more cars left at home. As well as directly increasing biodiversity, the funding will act as a catalyst for community action and increase awareness on what can be done to minimise its impact.

Seagulls at sunset