On the Verge

The vision:
To increase biodiversity. To spread awareness of the need to increase habitats for wildlife.
To create green corridors across and between communities, and connections to the wider countryside and the South Downs National Park. This includes tree and hedge planting, creating wildflower corridors and improving habitat quality at local green spaces.
To enhance knowledge and skills around climate change mitigation, including support for community gardens, community orchards, schools, and other community groups.
How it’s tackled:
All over Seaford individuals and residents’ groups are starting to care for and bring nature back to their local green spaces, as even the tiniest space can be a haven for wildlife. People are also making space for wildlife in their gardens.
The “On the Verge” community have been able to connect people so they can share ideas, support, enthusiasm, seeds and plants.
They also support the councils with their plans to change their mowing regimes, so creating mini meadows in green spaces. The green space ambassadors have been closely watching those green spaces for signs of increased biodiversity. Green spaces are for people too, and it may take some time and expertise to get the balance right.
“On the Verge” group also work with schools and other community groups to improve biodiversity and spread awareness.
We are part of Renaturing Seaford – please click here for the latest press Release.
How you can help:
Volunteers are always welcome, for tasks which could include conservation work, gardening, helping at community events, becoming green space ambassadors, marketing, art and crafts, writing and photography.
Please volunteer by clicking here.